Sudah dikupas dalam beberapa hadist Rosullullah tentang siapa sosok Dajjal Azalli dan kapan akan munculnya Dajjal, sebagai orang muslim kita wajib percaya tentang hal itu.
Dajjal Abad moderen dibedakan dalam dua kategori :
1. Dajjal dalam wujud IT (ilmu teknologi).
Seiring dengan maju dan berkembangnya ilmu pengetahuan teknologi dewasa ini yang mampu menciptakan alat-alat canggih seperti robot, TV, Handphond dan masih banyak lagi jenisnya, dari hasil tersebut bisa membantu meringankan dan memudahkan urusan manusia, namun justru sebaliknya jika kecanggihan alalt-alat tersebut digunakan untuk urusan kejahatan maka akan menjadi mala petaka bagi siapapun juga. Semisal pendirian stasiun TV yang dalam penyajiannya menyajikan tentang tayangan yang berbau provokatif, fitnah, mengadu domba antar kelompok, secara otomatis tayangan tersebut akan bemberi sugesti negatif pada masyarakat. Handphond juga demikian jika dipergunakan untuk melancarkan aksi kejahatan-kejahatan akan memberikan dampak yang dapat meresahkan juga. Sosok Dajjal sudah mulai kita rasakan kehadiranya melalui kecanggihan elektronik, apapun bentuk dan jenis IT yang dipergunakan untuk menindas, memfitnah yang dapat meresahkan masyarakat adalah sebagai wujud Dajjal, tergantung kita mampu untuk mengkontorl emosi masing-masing.
2. Dajjal dalam wujud Sifat Manusia.
Bangsa ini sudah dibikin resah oleh pihak-pihak yang mempunyai kepentingan baik itu kepentingan indifidu tau kepentingan kelompok mereka sendiri, dimulai dari pengambilan keputusan yang sepihak sampai dengan tindakan para koruptor yang dilakukan oleh para pejabat pemperintahan dari bangsa ini yang mengatas namakan wakil dari rakyat. Masyarakat mana sih yang minginginkan wakilnya untuk menjadi koruptor, tindakan tersebut sangat tidak manusiawi, sangat kejam, tidakkah kalian melihat dan mendengar bagaimana sulitnya mencari uang hanya untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari, tidakkah kau melihat perjuangan seorang nenek asal Jember Jawa Timur yang makan rumput karena terjerat dalam kemiskinanya. Apapun keyakinan kalian dalam peraturannya tidak ada yang mengajarkan untuk berbuat kejam.
Tampak sekilas para pemimpin bangsa ini sehat jasmaninya namun rohaninya kafir, rusak seperti Dajjal, Tampak sekilas fisik mata mereka sehat namun lebih parah melebihi buta fisik mata Dajjal, tampak sekilas fisik telinga mereka utuh namun tuli melebihi tuli Dajjal, kalian tidak jauh beda dengan Dajjal.
Dajjal adalah sosok yang bikin gundah umat manusia diakhir zaman, begitu juga sosok pemimpin bangsa yang mengatas namakan diri wakil dari rakyat atau pejabat yang menebar keresahan adalah sama sifatnya seperti Dajjal, Berfikir dan bertidaklah yang sehat mumpung Tuhan masih memberi kesempatan untuk bertaubat
# Inggris #
It has been discussed in some of the hadiths of Rosullullah about who the figure of Dajjal Azalli and when will the emergence of Dajjal, as Muslims we are obliged to believe about it.
Modern Dajjal is divided into two categories:
1. Dajjal in the form of IT (science of technology).
Along with the advancement and development of today's technology science capable of creating sophisticated tools such as robot, TV, Handphond and many more types, from these results can help alleviate and facilitate human affairs, but quite the contrary if the sophistication of alalt-tool is used For criminal affairs it will be a disaster for anyone. Such as the establishment of TV stations in the presentation presents about the impressions that smell provocative, slander, pitted between groups, automatically impressions will give negative suggestion to the community. Handphond also if it is used to carry out crime actions will have a disturbing effect as well. Dajjal figure we have begun to feel its presence through electronic sophistication, whatever form and type of IT used to suppress, slander that can disturb the society is as a form of Dajjal, depending on we are able to mengkontorl each emotion.
2 . Dajjal in the form of Human Nature.
This nation has been troubled by parties who have interests either indifidu interests or interests of their own group, starting from a one-sided decision to the actions of the corruptors committed by government officials of this nation who in the name of representatives of the people. Which society wants to be a corrupt representative, the act is very inhuman, very cruel, do not you see and hear how difficult it is to make money just for everyday needs, do not you see the struggle of a grandmother from Jember East Java who ate grass because entangled In its poverty. Whatever your belief in the rules no one teaches to do cruel.
At first glance the leaders of this nation are physically healthy but spiritually disbelieving, corrupted like the Dajjal, Their physical eye glance is healthier but more severe than the physical blindness of the Dajjal's eye, their physical visible glance intact but deaf beyond the deaf of Dajjal, you are not much different from Dajjal.
Dajjal is a figure that makes mankind upset at the end of time, as well as the figure of the nation's leaders in the name of self-representatives of the people or officials who spread anxiety are the same as Dajjal, Berfikir and beridaklah healthy while God still gives the opportunity to repent
Modern Dajjal is divided into two categories:
1. Dajjal in the form of IT (science of technology).
Along with the advancement and development of today's technology science capable of creating sophisticated tools such as robot, TV, Handphond and many more types, from these results can help alleviate and facilitate human affairs, but quite the contrary if the sophistication of alalt-tool is used For criminal affairs it will be a disaster for anyone. Such as the establishment of TV stations in the presentation presents about the impressions that smell provocative, slander, pitted between groups, automatically impressions will give negative suggestion to the community. Handphond also if it is used to carry out crime actions will have a disturbing effect as well. Dajjal figure we have begun to feel its presence through electronic sophistication, whatever form and type of IT used to suppress, slander that can disturb the society is as a form of Dajjal, depending on we are able to mengkontorl each emotion.
2 . Dajjal in the form of Human Nature.
This nation has been troubled by parties who have interests either indifidu interests or interests of their own group, starting from a one-sided decision to the actions of the corruptors committed by government officials of this nation who in the name of representatives of the people. Which society wants to be a corrupt representative, the act is very inhuman, very cruel, do not you see and hear how difficult it is to make money just for everyday needs, do not you see the struggle of a grandmother from Jember East Java who ate grass because entangled In its poverty. Whatever your belief in the rules no one teaches to do cruel.
At first glance the leaders of this nation are physically healthy but spiritually disbelieving, corrupted like the Dajjal, Their physical eye glance is healthier but more severe than the physical blindness of the Dajjal's eye, their physical visible glance intact but deaf beyond the deaf of Dajjal, you are not much different from Dajjal.
Dajjal is a figure that makes mankind upset at the end of time, as well as the figure of the nation's leaders in the name of self-representatives of the people or officials who spread anxiety are the same as Dajjal, Berfikir and beridaklah healthy while God still gives the opportunity to repent
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