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Beras Beracun |
Demi meraup keuntungan yang banyak, sebuah Pabrik produsen beras UD Widodo tega mencampurkan beras limbah dengan bahan-bahan berkimia. Pabrik tersebut beralamat di Jln. Sultan Agung Desa Pringu Kec. Bululawang pada hari senin Tanggal 05 Juni 2017 siang digrebek tim Satuan Tugas Pangan Polres Malang.
Dalam penggerebekan Tim Satuan Tugas menemukan sejumlah jirigen berisi bahan-bahan kimia didalam gudang produksi seluas 70 m x 30 m. Jerigen-jerigen tersebut berisikan pestisida, Tawas dan Insektisida. Bahan-bahan kimia tersebut dicurigai petugas Pangan Polres Malang sebagai pemutih beras limbah yang sudah tidak layak dikonsumsi. Dalam melakukan penggerebekan yang dilakukan oleh petugas Pangan Polres Malang sempat ketangkap basah sedang melakukan aksi kejahatanya mengolah beras limbah dengan dicampur kimia.
Dalam hal ini pemilik Beras UD Widodo diamankan dan akan dijerat UU Pangan Nomor 18 Tahun 2012 Pasal 133 - Pasal 139 dengan ancaman Hukuman penjara kurang lebih 7 Tahun hingga denda seratus Milyar Rupiah.
Tim Satuan Tugas Pangan Polres Malang akhirnya melakukan penyegelan 140 Ton Beras siap untuk diedarkan oleh UD Widodo.
Menurut keterangan Kapolres Malang yang memimpin Tim Satuan Tugas pangan dari keterangan Winarso pemilik pabrik, beras-beras limbah tersebut berasal dari daerah Jombang, kemudian diproses dengan obat-obat kimia serta dikemas menjadi beberapa kemasan, diantara kemasan itu dengan merk " Jagung Emas dan merk Tomat" ket Kapolres Malang.
Dalam seharinya UD Widodo mampu memproduksi beras berkimia sebanyak kurang lebih 28 - 30 Ton, dan diedarkan di daerah Malang Kota, Surabaya, Pangkalan Bun Kalimatan Tengah, Banjarmasin Kalsel.
Dalam persoalan tersebut Tim Satuan Tugas membawa sempel beras yang sudah siap edar dan bahan-bahan kimia untuk dilakukan uji labfor.
Beberapa daftar beras kemasan berbahan kimia :
- Merk Jagung Emas
- Merk Beras Maju
- Merk Dewi Kunti
- Merk Empat Mata Merah
- Merk Empat Mata Biru
- Merk Empat Mata Hijau
- Merk Lele
- Merk Cendrawasih
- Merk Tomat
- Merk Dua Jago
Jika warga yang melihat merek-merek tersebut diatas harap segera melaporkan kepetugas terdekat, karena beras-beras tersebut diatas adalah beras yang sudah tidak layak untuk dikonsumsi dan jika dimakan bisa mengakibatkan kanker. warga harap waspada demi kesehatan keluarga.
# In Inggris #
In order to reap a lot of benefits, a factory producer UD Widodo rice menga mixed waste rice with chemicals. The factory is located at Jln. Sultan Agung Village Pringu Kec. Bululawang on Monday June 05, 2017 afternoon digrebek team of Malang Police Task Force Unit.
In the raid the Task Force Team found a number of jirigen containing chemicals in a production warehouse of 70 m x 30 m. The jerry cans contain pesticides, Tawas and Insecticides. These chemicals are suspected by Malang Police Food Officers as rice bleach waste that is not feasible to be consumed. In conducting raids conducted by the Malang Police Food Officer had caught the wet was doing the action kejahatanya processing rice waste with chemical mixed.
In this case the owner of UD Widodo Rice is secured and will be charged under the Food Law No. 18 of 2012 Article 133 - Article 139 with the threat of imprisonment of approximately 7 Years to a fine of one hundred billion Rupiah.
Malang Police Task Force Unit finally did sealing 140 Ton Rice ready to be circulated by UD Widodo.
According to the Chief of Malang Police Chief who leads the Food Task Team from the factory owner Winarso information, the waste rice came from Jombang area, then processed with chemical drugs and packed into several packages, between the packaging with the brand "Golden Corn and Tomato brand "Head of Malang Police Chief.
In a day UD Widodo able to produce rice berkimia approximately 28 - 30 Ton, and circulated in the area of Malang City, Surabaya, Central Kalimantan Pangkalan Bun, Banjarmasin South Kalimantan.
In this case, the Task Force Team brought the rice stamps ready for circulation and chemicals to be tested by labfor.
Some list of chemical packing rice:
Gold Corn Brand
Advanced Rice Brand
Brand Dewi Kunti
Brand Four Red Eyes
Brand Empat Mata Biru
Brand Four Green Eyes
Brand Catfish
Cendrawasih Brand
Tomato Brand
Brand Two Jago
If the people who see the brands mentioned above please immediately report the nearest kepetugas, because the above rice is rice that is not feasible for consumption and if eaten can lead to cancer. Citizens please be vigilant for the health of the family.
Google Terjemahan untuk Bisnis:Perangkat PenerjemahPenerjemah Situs Web
In the raid the Task Force Team found a number of jirigen containing chemicals in a production warehouse of 70 m x 30 m. The jerry cans contain pesticides, Tawas and Insecticides. These chemicals are suspected by Malang Police Food Officers as rice bleach waste that is not feasible to be consumed. In conducting raids conducted by the Malang Police Food Officer had caught the wet was doing the action kejahatanya processing rice waste with chemical mixed.
In this case the owner of UD Widodo Rice is secured and will be charged under the Food Law No. 18 of 2012 Article 133 - Article 139 with the threat of imprisonment of approximately 7 Years to a fine of one hundred billion Rupiah.
Malang Police Task Force Unit finally did sealing 140 Ton Rice ready to be circulated by UD Widodo.
According to the Chief of Malang Police Chief who leads the Food Task Team from the factory owner Winarso information, the waste rice came from Jombang area, then processed with chemical drugs and packed into several packages, between the packaging with the brand "Golden Corn and Tomato brand "Head of Malang Police Chief.
In a day UD Widodo able to produce rice berkimia approximately 28 - 30 Ton, and circulated in the area of Malang City, Surabaya, Central Kalimantan Pangkalan Bun, Banjarmasin South Kalimantan.
In this case, the Task Force Team brought the rice stamps ready for circulation and chemicals to be tested by labfor.
Some list of chemical packing rice:
Gold Corn Brand
Advanced Rice Brand
Brand Dewi Kunti
Brand Four Red Eyes
Brand Empat Mata Biru
Brand Four Green Eyes
Brand Catfish
Cendrawasih Brand
Tomato Brand
Brand Two Jago
If the people who see the brands mentioned above please immediately report the nearest kepetugas, because the above rice is rice that is not feasible for consumption and if eaten can lead to cancer. Citizens please be vigilant for the health of the family.
Google Terjemahan untuk Bisnis:Perangkat PenerjemahPenerjemah Situs Web
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