Lepet Cik Tun Untung |
Musim Kupat lepet hampir tiba. dijadwalkan bancaan atau slametan kupat lepat oleh jamaah Mushola an Nur akan dilaksanakan Pada hari Ahad Pagi, setelah pelaksanaan sholat jamaah subuh, selaku koordinator dari jamaah Perempuan adalah Mbah Nzah Mujahid, dan koordinator dari jamaah pihak laki-laki adalah Agus Syukron bin Sahli bin Sabar. adapun demi lancarnya sebuah acara maka ditunjuk sebagai membagi waktu atau Mc adalah Saudara Ahmad Fajri, fainsyallah susunan acara adalah sebagai berikut :
- Pembukaan
- Pembacaan Arwah dari masing-masing jamaah
- Ratib Tahlil
- Do,a
- Dan Makan-makan
mudah-mudahan acara yang sudah direncanakan akan berlangsung lancar dan tertib. Kurang lebihnya akan ada seratus nampan yang berisikan kupat lepet dari bawaan masing-masing jamaah mushola An Nur, dan masing-masing akan dilengkapi dengan sayur dengan ciri masakan yang berbeda-beda, pokoknya dijamin asik, boleh pilih dan cicipi masakan A sampai masakan si Z. nasi kupat dengan ciri khas budaya jawa tumplek blek jadi satu dicampur dengan macam-macam lauk pauk dan sayur.
Sekilas tidak tampak perubahan yang sudah terjadi bertahun-tahun, entah apa yang menjadikan Lepet Made In Cik Tun Untung abadi selamanya mempunyai rasa yang beda dan mempunyai kekenyalan yang berbeda dari lepet-lepet yang lainya, bahan-bahan pembungkusnya sama yaitu dari janur ( daun kelapa yang masih bewarna kuning ), isinya juga sama yaitu beras ketan yang dicampur dengan parutan kelapa dan dicampur sedikit garam, terus lantas apa yang menjadikan bedanya lepet Made In Cik Tun Untung abadi selamanya, ketika Cik Tun Untung abadi selamanya dimintai penjelasan oleh seseorang temannya yang bernama kutin, ia malah tertawa ngakak seperti burung lovebird, dan menjawab" ohhhhh iku rahasia perusahaan , dadi yo ora bakal tak bocorke ", namun akhirya pun cik Tun untung membeberkan rahasia-rahasia cara membuat lepet agar mendapatkan rasa yang beda dan kekenyalan yang beda pula,
Resep cik Tun Untung abadi selamanya adalah sebagai berikut :
1 . Pilih beras ketan yang paling baik
2 . Pilih kelapa yang jangan terlalu tua
3 . Pilih garam yang bersertifikat mengandung yodium dan halal
4 . Cara memasaknya
Cara adonan versi cik Tun Untung abadi selamanya, setelah beras ketan yang di rendan selama 1 malam, dan kemudian dicuci lagi, dan lakukan pencampuran dengan kelapa yang setengah tua yang sudah diparut yang diberi sedikit garam, dengan perbandingan 1 Kg beras ketan dengan 1 setengah parutan kelapa setengah tua, lakukan pengadukan sampai merata, dan selanjutnya proses pembungkusan, proses pembungkusan sama dengan proses yang lainya. Cara memasak versi cik Tun untung abadi selamanya memesankan kepada kutin agar kadar air jangan sampai kurang, kondisi lepet yang direbus harus dalam posisi tercelup air, dan jika terjadi penyurutan air maka harus diwantoni atau ditambah air lagi sampai kira-kira lepet benar-benar matang, waktu yang dibutuhkan dalam perebusan lepet versi cik Tun Untung abadi selamanya adalah kurang lebih 3 ( tiga jam ).
Monggo yang mau mempraktekkan dipun sumanggaake, semoga tulisan ini dapat memberikan manfaat bagi yang membutuhkan informasi, barokallah amin
The half-winter season is almost here. scheduled bancaan or slametan kupat lepat by pilgrims Mushola an Nur will be held On Sunday morning, after the implementation of the congregational prayers at dawn, as the coordinator of pilgrims Women are Mbah Nzah Mujahid, and coordinator of the congregation the men were Agus Syukron bin Sahli bin Tolerance. As for the sake of the smoothness of an event then appointed as a time divide or Mc is Brother Ahmad Fajri, fainsyallah arrangement of events are as follows:
Speech reading from each pilgrim
Ratib Tahlil
And Eating
Hopefully the planned event will take place smoothly and orderly. More or less there will be a hundred trays containing kupat lepet of congenital each congregation mosque Nur, and each will be equipped with the vegetables with the characteristics of the cuisine of different, essentially guaranteed cool, may select and sample the cuisine A to cooking si Z , Rice kupat with typical culture Javanese tumplek blek so one mixed with various side dishes and vegetables.
Glance no visible change that has occurred for many years, who knows what makes lepet Made In Cik Tun Fortunately, enduring forever has a different taste and has a viscosity that is different from lepet-lepet the other, the materials wrapping the same that of coconut (coconut leaves still colored yellow), it is also the same, namely the sticky rice mixed with grated coconut and mixed with a little salt, continues then what makes the difference lepet Made in Cik Tun Fortunately last forever, when Cik Tun Fortunately, enduring forever asked for an explanation by someone his friend named cutin, he laughed out loud like a bird lovebird, and answered "ohhhhh iku company secrets, dadi yo ora will not bocorke", but ultimately the matter shoo Tun profit reveal the secrets of how to make lepet in order to get a different taste and suppleness which also vary,
The recipe cik Tun Untung peradi forever is as follows:
1. Choose the best glutinous rice
2. Choose a coconut that is not too old
3. Choose certified salt containing iodine and halal
4. How to cook it
How to dough the cot version of Tun Untung eternally forever, after sticky rice that is rendan for 1 night, and then washed again, and do mixing with shredded coconut that is given a little salt, with the ratio of 1 kg of glutinous rice with 1 half grated Coconut semi-old, do stirring until evenly, and then the process of wrapping, the process of wrapping together with other processes. How to cook version shoo Tun profit on forever order for the cutin so that the moisture content should not be less, condition lepet stewed must remain submerged water, and in case of subsidence of water then must diwantoni or added water again until approximately lepet really mature, The time required for boiling the letters of the cik version of Tun Untung eternal forever is approximately 3 (three hours).
Monggo who want to practice dipun sumanggaake, hopefully this paper can provide benefits for those who need information, barokallah amin
Speech reading from each pilgrim
Ratib Tahlil
And Eating
Hopefully the planned event will take place smoothly and orderly. More or less there will be a hundred trays containing kupat lepet of congenital each congregation mosque Nur, and each will be equipped with the vegetables with the characteristics of the cuisine of different, essentially guaranteed cool, may select and sample the cuisine A to cooking si Z , Rice kupat with typical culture Javanese tumplek blek so one mixed with various side dishes and vegetables.
Glance no visible change that has occurred for many years, who knows what makes lepet Made In Cik Tun Fortunately, enduring forever has a different taste and has a viscosity that is different from lepet-lepet the other, the materials wrapping the same that of coconut (coconut leaves still colored yellow), it is also the same, namely the sticky rice mixed with grated coconut and mixed with a little salt, continues then what makes the difference lepet Made in Cik Tun Fortunately last forever, when Cik Tun Fortunately, enduring forever asked for an explanation by someone his friend named cutin, he laughed out loud like a bird lovebird, and answered "ohhhhh iku company secrets, dadi yo ora will not bocorke", but ultimately the matter shoo Tun profit reveal the secrets of how to make lepet in order to get a different taste and suppleness which also vary,
The recipe cik Tun Untung peradi forever is as follows:
1. Choose the best glutinous rice
2. Choose a coconut that is not too old
3. Choose certified salt containing iodine and halal
4. How to cook it
How to dough the cot version of Tun Untung eternally forever, after sticky rice that is rendan for 1 night, and then washed again, and do mixing with shredded coconut that is given a little salt, with the ratio of 1 kg of glutinous rice with 1 half grated Coconut semi-old, do stirring until evenly, and then the process of wrapping, the process of wrapping together with other processes. How to cook version shoo Tun profit on forever order for the cutin so that the moisture content should not be less, condition lepet stewed must remain submerged water, and in case of subsidence of water then must diwantoni or added water again until approximately lepet really mature, The time required for boiling the letters of the cik version of Tun Untung eternal forever is approximately 3 (three hours).
Monggo who want to practice dipun sumanggaake, hopefully this paper can provide benefits for those who need information, barokallah amin
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