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Pohon Sawo Lumintu |
Pohon sawo yang saya tanam beberapa tahun lalu, sekarang sudah muali berbuah, kini umurnya sekitar kurang lebih 7 ( tujuh ) tahunan. asal muasal bibit sawo tersebut adalah dari pemberian gratis dari saudara yang sudah lebih dahulu mempunyai pohon sawo, dari dua bibit sawo yang dibawa kerumah saya pada saat itu berjulah dua bibit, yang satu ditanam didalam sebuah pot drum besar dirumahnya saudara, karena dengan alasan lahan sempit, dan yang satunya lagi saya tanam di pekarangan depan rumah, kedua bibit sawo tersebut melalui proses pencangkokan, pohon sawo tersebut kini sudah mencapai tinggi 7 meter. karena penanamannya di depan rumah dan kebetulan posisi rumah dekat dengan jalan, maka setiap orang yang melintas di depan rumah pasti terpesona dengan pohonnya yang hijau subur dan buahnya yang merentol lumintu seakan tidak pernah habis-habis buahnya, karena pohon sawo tersebut ditanam di depan rumah sebelah kanan, seakan menambah kesejukan dan hiasan yang alami.
Pohon sawo sendiri menurut para pakar ahli ilmu hikmah mempunyai nilai mistis yang jarang orang mengerti, pernah suatu hari pohon sawo tersebut akan ditebang, itu pun atas saran tetangga, karena tetangga mempunyai keyakinan bahwa yang menyebabkan silih dan bergantinya keluarga sakit adalah keberadaan pohon sawo ditanam di depan rumah.tapi saya berfikir dengan akal sehat bahwa yang menyebabkan sakit dan matinya seseorang itu karena memang sudah mejadi ketentuan sang maha pencipta. Dan ada lagi yang berpendapat bahwa pohon sawo menurut para pakar ahli ilmu hikmah yang ditanam di depan rumah disamping kanan itu bisa dijadikan semacam penagkal aura jahat, seperti guna-guna dan sebagainya. Dan ada lagi yang berpendapat jika pohon sawo yang ditanam pada halaman rumah maka akan menjadi sarang gerduwo, sebagai pemilik pohon sawo saya merasa merinding sendiri namun apa yang mereka katakan tentang pohon sawo itu saya iyakan saja, dan sampai sekarang ini pohon sawonya masih berdiri gagah tegak di depan rumah.
Pohon sawo yang dimiliki oleh ibu yang bernama Azizah Desa Tawangrejo, Kec. Winong, tidak ubahnya seperti apotik toko obat, yang tidak pernah sepi dari pengunjung, ada yang datang meminta buah sawo untuk dimakan jika sudah matang, dan ada pula yang datang meminta buah pentil ( buah sawo yang masih kecil ) sebagai obat sakit deare dan sebagainya. Selai buah sawo memberikan manfaat kepada manusia juga memberikan manfaat bagi hewan, terutama pada beberapa burung, diantaranya burung yang sering memakan buahnya pada siang hari adalah burung kutilang dan burung trucukan, jika pada malam harinya adalah codot atau kelelawar buah.
Itulah beberapa manfaat pohon sawo, ada yang meyakini sebagi pohon untuk penolak aura jahat, ada yang meyakini pohon sawo sebagi tempat sarang gerenduwo. dan mafaat dari buahnya sebagai konsumsi dan dapat juga buangnya dijadikan sebagai obat sakit diare. Semoga tulisan ini dapat memberikan pemahaman dan pengetahuan tentang pohon dan buahnya.amin
#Translate Inggris#
The sapodilla plant I planted a few years ago, is now muali fruitful, now its age about 7 (seven) years. the origin of the seeds of sapodilla is of free gifts from relatives who had already had the sapodilla tree, two seedlings sapodilla taken to me at that moment berjulah two seedlings, one planted in a pot large drums at home brother, for reasons of narrow land , And the other I planted in the front yard of the house, the two seeds are through the transplanting process, the tree has now reached 7 meters high. for planting in front of the house and happened to be the home position close to the road, then every person who crossed in front of the house certainly fascinated by the tree is lush green and fruit merentol Lumintu never seemed endless fruit, because of the sapodilla tree was planted in front of the house next door Right, as if adding more coolness and natural decoration.
Sapodilla tree itself according to the expert of experts of science lessons have mystical value that very few people understand, once a day sapodilla tree will be cut down, it was on the advice of a neighbor, because the neighbor has a belief that is causing penance and the alternation of ill family is the presence of the sapodilla tree planted in Front rumah.tapi I think with common sense that which causes sickness and death of a person because it has become the provisions of the creator. And there are others who argue that sapodilla trees according to experts of wisdom that planted in front of the house on the right side can be used as a kind of evil aura penagkal, like witchcraft and so forth. And there is more to contend if sapodilla tree planted on the home page then it will become a hotbed of gerduwo, as the owner of the sapodilla tree I felt a shiver themselves, but what they say about the sapodilla tree that I iyakan it, and until now the tree sawonya still stands proudly erect in front of the house.
Sapod tree owned by a mother named Azizah Tawangrejo Village, Kec. Winong, there is like a pharmacy drug store, which is never empty of visitors, no one came asking sapodilla fruit to be eaten when ripe, and some are coming to ask for fruit valve (sapodilla fruit that is still small) as a pain medication Deare and so on. Sapodilla fruit jams provide benefits to humans are also beneficial for the animals, especially in some birds, including birds that often eat the fruit during the daytime are finches and birds trucukan, if at night is Flying-Fox or the fruit bats.
That's some of the benefits of sapodilla trees, there is a believer as a tree to repel the evil aura, there is a belief of sapodilla tree as a place gerenduwo nest. And mafaat from the fruit as a consumption and can also be used as diarrhea diarrhea medicine. Hopefully this paper can provide understanding and knowledge about the tree and its fruit.amin
Sapodilla tree itself according to the expert of experts of science lessons have mystical value that very few people understand, once a day sapodilla tree will be cut down, it was on the advice of a neighbor, because the neighbor has a belief that is causing penance and the alternation of ill family is the presence of the sapodilla tree planted in Front rumah.tapi I think with common sense that which causes sickness and death of a person because it has become the provisions of the creator. And there are others who argue that sapodilla trees according to experts of wisdom that planted in front of the house on the right side can be used as a kind of evil aura penagkal, like witchcraft and so forth. And there is more to contend if sapodilla tree planted on the home page then it will become a hotbed of gerduwo, as the owner of the sapodilla tree I felt a shiver themselves, but what they say about the sapodilla tree that I iyakan it, and until now the tree sawonya still stands proudly erect in front of the house.
Sapod tree owned by a mother named Azizah Tawangrejo Village, Kec. Winong, there is like a pharmacy drug store, which is never empty of visitors, no one came asking sapodilla fruit to be eaten when ripe, and some are coming to ask for fruit valve (sapodilla fruit that is still small) as a pain medication Deare and so on. Sapodilla fruit jams provide benefits to humans are also beneficial for the animals, especially in some birds, including birds that often eat the fruit during the daytime are finches and birds trucukan, if at night is Flying-Fox or the fruit bats.
That's some of the benefits of sapodilla trees, there is a believer as a tree to repel the evil aura, there is a belief of sapodilla tree as a place gerenduwo nest. And mafaat from the fruit as a consumption and can also be used as diarrhea diarrhea medicine. Hopefully this paper can provide understanding and knowledge about the tree and its fruit.amin
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